The boys over flowers is a Korean series which is based on the Japanese popular 'manga' series. Ku Hye sun, Lee Min ho, Kim Hyun joong, Kim Bum, Kim Joon are the main casts. After seeing the popularity of the show, the Pudhu Yugam channel started to air it in the Tamil language. As a result, the series becomes a huge hit in Tamil Nadu and puducherry in a short time. [Check the full list of all Korean Serials in K-Series / K-Drama and the full shedule of programs in Puthuyugam television to stay on up to date]
The actors becomes popular after starring in BOF. They had appeared in various public events across the world and the Boys Over Flowers becomes one of the role model for many other South Korean television series.
The Korean dramas are shown @ every 7 PM from Monday to Friday. For more details, please check the Puthuyugam programs schedule and timings.
Behind the screen video of the BOF (Shooting). You can see how the filming is taken and how the actors had acted. The video revolves many secrets about the series (really funny).