Infant Jesus Matriculation Higher Secondary School
Basis Information of the School
School Name | Infant Jesus Matriculation Higher Secondary School (IJMS) |
Address | Infant Jesus Matric Hr Sec School, class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: 0.0001pt;">EB Road, class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: 0.0001pt;">Devakottai – 630302 class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: 0.0001pt;">Tamil Nadu |
State | Tamil Nadu |
City | Devakottai |
PIN Code | 630302 |
Telephone Number | 04561-273878 (Primary) class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: 0.0001pt;">04561-292022 (Matric Hr. Sec) |
Board | Tamil Nadu State Board |
Management | Private School |
Other Popular Names | IJMS |
School Type | Higher Secondary School |
Email | Nil |
Website | Nil |
>The school was founded by Rev. Msgr. John Kottaram in the year 1991 with the collaboration of the Seva Missionary Sisters of Mary. This tiny seed was started with 40 students and since then it has made steady progress and attained required growth and development. Now there are over 40 schools in the name of the Seva Missionary Sisters of Mary in the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Both the boys and girls can learn from the school. The institute is recognized by the government.History of the School
Aim of the School
Our school aims at imparting sound education to mould praise worthy character and all round development of the child. We instill in our students self-confidence and courage to encounter the challenges of life in the experience of the god. We prepare them to be the torchbearers of peace, love, justice and brotherhood.The Golden Rules for Students
- Always speak truth.
- Respect your teachers.
- Obey your parents.
- Honor the elders.
- Help your fellow students
- Be punctual at all times.
- Get doubts cleared then and there.
- Never speak evil of anyone.
- Keep your words soft and sweet.
- Do everything decently and in order.
Examination & Reports
Three terms of examinations are being conducted by the school and the progress/rank cards will be sended to the parents. The parents must often check the activity of the child and must need to discuss with the principal. The parents are requested to examine carefully the monthly reports and to cooperate with the teachers in helping their children to improve in whatever subjects they are weak and also correct the faults mentioned in the report.Promotion
A Pupil is on the basis of his / her performance during the whole year. Hence, regularity in attendance and studies is important. Results declared at the end of the year is final in all classes and it will not be reconsidered under any circumstances. A pupil whose conduct is not up to the school shall be asked to leave the school. Also a student who fails twice in the same class will not be allowed to continue his / her studies in the school.School Fees
School fees should be paid in three terms. Such as I Term (June), II Term (October), III Term (February). Students who fails to pay the fees are not allowed to attend the classes.Transfer Certificate
Application for transfer certificate should be made in writing by the parent / guardian of the pupil concerned Transfer Certificate shall not be issued unless all out standing dues are paid to the school.School Library
The school has a library to enable the pupil to develop reading habits and for keeping good books within their reach.Physical Education
Physical Education is compulsory for all the students to develop their fitness. No pupil will be exempted from physical exercise or games unless special permitted by the principal.School Property
It is forbidden to write or scribble or splash ink on the school compound walls or in any way disfigure or damage school property. Severe action will be taken against pupils not adhering to this rules. Also, the cost of replacement will be charged from students.Parents Teachers Meet
Every academic year there will be a meeting of the parents and teachers to discuss about the progress of the student.School Uniform
School Uniform : LKG to V Monday to Friday: Dark Blue Half Pants, Checked Shirt, Black Shoes with blue socks. (Boys) Wednesday: T.Shirt, Shorts (For Boys)
Monday to Friday: Maroon Pinafore, Checked Shirt & Black Shoes with blue socks. (Girls)
Wednesday: T. Shirt, Skirt (For Girls)
School Uniform : VI to XII
VI to XII Boys: Checked Shirts & Navy Blue full pants, Black Shoes with Blue Socks.
VI to XII Girls: Maroor Churidhar, Ribbon & Black Buckled Leather Shoes with Blue Socks.
Wednesday: White Churidhar, T. Shirt
The pupil should wear the prescribed uniform whenever they enter the school campus.
Extra Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities
Students are encouraged to exhibit their talents and interest in various activities and inter school competitions. Karate, Abacus, Bharatha Natiyam, Music and Yoga are introduced to develop discipline and social habits.
Every students must be a member of any one of the following activities.
Time to pay fees / Time to meet the Principal - 8.30 a.m to 11.30 a.m & 3.00 p.m to 4.15 p.m
- Junior Red Cross (JRC)
- Science Club
- National Green Cross (NGC)
- Young Students Movement (YSM)
- Red Ribbon Club (RRC)
- National Service Scheme (NSS)
- Scouts & Guides.
Rules & Regulations
- Every pupil must bring the school diary daily.
- Pupils should be at the school premises at least 10 minutes before the first bell. Late comers will be punished.
- Pupils are expected to be clean and neat in their dress etc.
- The pupils are held responsible for the custody of their books and belongings. They should not wear gold ornaments during the school hours.
- The pupils are prohibited from bringing cosmetics or other objectionable literate into school.
- Pupils suffering from contagious diseases will not be allowed to attend the school.
- Pupils are expected to converse only in English in the school premises.
- Parents / Guardians are requested to resist from meeting their children or interview their teachers during class hours.
- Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity, punctuality, discipline by taking active interest in their children's progress.
- Pupil will not be allowed to leave the school in the afternoon.
- Parents should see that their children study their lessons regularly and do their homework immediately.
- Change of address of the pupil, if any should be intimated to the school office immediately.
- Parents who seek information or make complaints could do so only to the principal, complaining about the teacher or school in the presence of the student should be avoided because it causes the child to lose his / her respect for the teacher and affect the child's education.
- On rainy days, children should be provided with raincoat or umbrellas clearly marked with their names.
School Hours
9.00 a.m - 9.15 a.m Prayer 9.15 a.m - 12.10 p.m Morning Session 12.10 p.m - 12.50 p.m Lunch 12.50 p.m - 4.00 p.m Evening SessionTime to pay fees / Time to meet the Principal - 8.30 a.m to 11.30 a.m & 3.00 p.m to 4.15 p.m
Old Students / Group Photos
Reviewed by K. ManiKanDan studied 10th during 2011-12 in this school. This article is published on July 14. Rating: 4.5.