There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.

Is Broiler Chicken Unhealthy when compared to Domestic Chicken?

Are you addicted to the taste of broiler chicken but confused whether it is good for the humans health to eat broilers? Here you can find the health impacts and other side effects of eating the farm grown hens and cocks.

The chickens were domesticated from the red fowl and gray fowl in the ancient times in Asia. Since then the chickens become one of the popular meat for the humans. They are rised all over the world for its taste and nutrition. They trend to take longer period for gaining full growth and the weight. To avoid this problem, new breed named Broiler (Gallus gallus domesticus) was introduced.

The broilers can attain the full weight within 65 days of time and their curry is also tasty. The problem is that they have health impacts such as weak bones and body immune system. They are affected by various diseases as a result and suffers though out their short life time. They also forced to feed dangerous chemicals in some farms.

Domestic Chicken Vs Broiler

Will consuming broilers bad for us? The weaker immune system of broilers will not make the humans immune system weaker. But the feeding practices of the farms should be noted since chemicals and the diseases of the broilers will affect health of the humans. So, it is better to go with the domesticated, hand rised chicken which will also be delicious if cooked.

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